(I suggest that you read "Ra*Star 2000" in preparation for the following article)
The Star Capstone

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As Thoth revealed to me in 1999:
In the stone structure of the Temple of the Risen One, are meridians which carry
rays or impulses of consciousness. These meridians we will call "star paths,"
for the ancients called them "the shadow-halls of the stars." They knew from
even more distant legend, that the "Star Lords" had placed "long-shadows" of the
cosmic beings (stars) across the Temple of the Risen One. These "shadows" had
opened halls or paths in the stone for the soul to travel. The star paths then,
are consciousness streams programmed by super-intelligence into the stone of the
Great Pyramid. They are not the "air" shafts (which serve other purposes), but
invisible highways of Light-intelligence cris-crossing deep within the stone.
These “star shadows” contain the programs of Light for the entire universe. This
may sound incredible, but it is much less so than we would imagine. Thoth shows
me that all of this universe (there are other universes) comes out of “one
stroke” of the Arahabra. The “Arahabra” is an ancient word for a creation radial
of light with a supra-black hole at it’s center, around which is a double
tetrahedron of a specific type of “energy” that is...well, not really energy as
we know it. I won’t expand on that topic in this article, but suffice to say
that this non-energy energy is called by Thoth kamitii. There are many kinds of
black holes. A“supra” black hole is also kamitii, which is like a reverse mirror
of our energy system and yet IS our energy system. We simply cannot experience
it directly. We can see the top of a duck floating in the water, but not the
part of it that is submerged. As the kamitii energy in the geometric of a double
tetrahedron reacts with the supra-black hole, it becomes a flashing
double-diamond spinner field (a
tetratryon). Visualize a diamond (a double
tetrahedron) spinning around a center of tremendous gravity. A supra-hole does
not suck energy in, as it is not in space. The gravity it exerts is not what we
understand as gravity, but it is related. The supra-gravity does not operate in
space...it creates space. So as you see, there are problems in relating this
dynamic in human terms. Nevertheless, as you see this diamond spinning around a
force that is being exerted on it, the Diamond is affecting the force. This
causes the spinner field of the double tetrahedron to spin faster and faster
until it starts flashing in and out of it’s source dimension, becoming a
tetratryon. Not all tetratryons create universal radials (why some do and some
don’t is not an area this article covers), but the ones that do are universe
creators. Just one stroke or strobe coming out of the flashing center creates a
universe! So in this context, let us return to the star shadows captured within
the Great Pyramid. The programs of Light they contain are from just ONE flash of
the universe-creating radial. When the Masters tell us “All is One,” this is a
good example of what they mean. Every particle of starlight that is within the
matter of our universe–in our bodies and DNA and everything–contains the Master
Stroke as a holographic vibration.
The star shadows however, are more than a holograph of the Master Stroke. They
are the living fire of that Stroke. They are only “shadows” in their path
between dimensions; the paths which are opened within the Great Pyramid (in it’s
full operative mode, the Temple of the Risen One), and within the Great
Pyramid’s etheric body, which Thoth calls the “Temple of the Morning Star.” Yet the Temple of the Risen One and the Temple of the Morning Star are only
aspects (the former in stone the latter in etheric substance) of a greater,
cosmic pyramid. This cosmic pyramid we could see as the Master Stroke from the
Universe-creating radial as it moves away from the supra-black hole / Flashing
Diamond combo. As a beam of light traveling from it’s source, the beam become
wider when it strikes an object. When the Master Stroke “strikes” it’s own
creation it’s “shape” and “function” becomes another
tetrahedron or pyramid. Now
all these analogies are using our dimensional terms and understanding...what I
am speaking of is really beyond all such dimensional understanding. However, it
does create that “picture” in this dimension, and it is a workable picture, as
creational matrices are accommodating to their creations.
So now we are envisioning a pyramid of the tail-end of the Master stroke (a
ray?) Coming out of the universe-creating radial and striking it’s own creation:
this universe...this planet...these bodies our souls temporarily inhabit. But
what if this pyramid we are envisioning is really a capstone to...a larger
pyramid? A capstone is a pyramid that contains the information to allow the
pyramid it caps to make contact with other universal systems in the chain of
cosmology it arises from and reflects into the Infinite. What then, is this
“Star Capstone” pyramid crowning? Thoth opens the scroll for me to “see” the
greater pyramid. IT IS US. It is everything that the Master Stroke strikes...it
is all of the creation in this universe.
Let us focus at this juncture on the topic of this article, which is the Star
Capstone. The Star Capstone “crowns” everything in our universe, however we can
look to the Great Pyramid as a primary “gear” of the Star Capstone in our earth
grid system.
This opens the door to seeing the
planetary grid systems in a more expanded
perception. Thoth unfolds a cornice of the capstone to reveal to me “star
shadows” spilling off of the contact surface between the Master Stroke and it’s
creation...moving out of the Star Capstone like straws of light, being drawn
into alignment with the gravity patterns of the earth. Scattered like “pick-up
sticks” (the baby-boomer toy) on the plane of the earth, the star shadows embed
into the gravity patterns and form “grids” which are patterned according to both
planetary and human consciousness.
Yet we are crowned–each of us–with the Star Capstone. Well, it is not sitting on
top of our heads, but as comical as that picture might be, it does show us how
it streams into our crowns and down into our chakras, spooling out into our
energy bodies. If the Star Capstone is the Master Stroke–the creation of the
universe–coming into contact with it’s own creation (us), then how might we
expand our awareness and thus our consciousness with this understanding?
view larger version of the Star Capstone in the
Cosmos Gallery
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