22 Safik Radial Points of the
Mazaloth-Mazzaroth Integrative Field
The 22 SAFIK Radial Points are the "nerve centers" that connect
the Individuals Light and Energy bodies from the Mazzaroth energy realm to the
Mazaloth Light realm. The more in-balance the individual 's "nerve centers" are,
the more contact can be made for them between these universal zones. In tuning
one's Safik Radial Points, this prepares the Light-Energy bodies of the
individual to be more fully received by the Seven Miracles of
Light. The "Safik" level of Substantiation (as Thoth calls it) is part of
and SPIRIT become finely integrative and communicative forms of LIVING LIGHT as
one "egg" or "crystal" holographed through the creational wave forms of the
universe. Those living beings who are currently outside of the Holocrystal (most
humanity on earth) are not in sync with this radiant pulse. On HIGHER levels of
their Light structure they are part of the HOLOCRYSTAL, but this is only a small
fraction of their being that is maintaining that frequency. To truly dwell in
the HOLOCRYSTAL as the dolphins do, we must bring ALL our conscious and
unconscious self-links into the no-self field of the HOLOCRYSTAL.
Balanced General Frequency
Psionic numbers (will differ slightly per person)
1) 1.441
2) 7.601
3) 2.5647
4) 8.001
5) 7.232
6) 5.4449
7) 8.9252
8) 8.990
9) 5.209
10) 7.865
11) 3.2201
12) 1.0067
13) 1.760
14) 9.0451
15) 8.0092
16) 5.9045
17) 8.992
18) 6.0937
19) 4.4451
20) 6.965
21) 8.9021
22) 7.6523
You determine where each of these radial points are in the auric field by
dividing equally the circle around the body into 22 portions (like on the face
of a clock), beginning at the top of the head and moving CLOCKWISE around the
sides of the body. You can also do this moving around the FRONT to the BACK of
the body. They show up in both formats (from side to side and from front to
If you sense with your own energy field or use a pendulum to help you (which of
course, is the same thing–just more of an outer reference), you can determine
WHICH of these points is out of balance. You should ask (your higher
self/pendulum) one point at a time, if that point on this person is in balance.
If it is not, then use whatever means (turning fork, etc.) to help the
individual restore the balance to that point. SOME people's "balance" may not
jive with the chart above, so that is why it is important to ask if that point
on them is "in balance." MOST persons, will, however, have a balance on or
within a few decimals of the above chart. So, from the standpoint of determining
if the person's points are in balance or not, you really don't need the above
chart, as if it is "no," you just work to get the point in balance and keep
checking "yes" or "no" to see when it is. However, if you would like to use the
numbers above to determine colors or sacred geometry correlations, this could be
helpful in expanding programs.
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