Dione Healing Process
This article was originally recieved akashically by
me (edited by Simeon Nartoomid) in the
mid-1990's. I have now updated it a bit and added a basic procedure.
"The DIONE healing process comes from the Rutan Atlanteans
residing on the Isle of Ruta north of the main Atlantean continent. This
Holy Isle was one of the last segments of Atlantean culture to preserve and
honor the true alignment with Divine Matrix as the remainder of Atlantis
deteriorated spiritually. The Rutans were mixture of Atlantean and
Hyperborean (Sirian star) blood.
As the entire Atlantean land mass finally sunk into the ocean, many of the
Rutans migrated to Greece, Egypt and the British Isles. The Rutans carried
forth the knowledge they stewarded about the DIONE as well as other
Universal mysteries. The migrating Rutans passed the technique of DIONE to
their Celtic relations, the Tuatha de Dannan, who became the Dannan-Sidhe
through the inter-mingling of their blood with the Faery (Sidhe) Races.
The DIONE Process taps into the Mudic harmonics, which consist of the Od and
the Attim. The Od is the soft face of -the Earth's dodecahedral matrix while
the Attim is the hard face. As these frequencies spin in their couplet
spirals they charge in either hard or soft mode, depending on the degree of
tilt and velocity of spin. It is from these Mudic harmonics that the Sacred
languages are registered. The Od harmonic is that which carries
the most powerful matter to Spirit magnetic clearing capability. The DIONE
Process taps into the Mudic harmonics it brings the Od and Attim patterns or
codes into the physical/etheric bodies aligning them to the natural
dodecahedral spin of the crystalline lattices of the DNA which in turn,
resonate to the natural dodecahedral spin of the planet. This resonation
creates a synergistic Oneness that eliminates the magnetic polarity. The
many components of the DIONE healing create a unique format for release of
lower magnetic, karmic programming within the holistic system.
The word "Dione" comes from the Aloii (sacred Lemurian/Atlantean/Dannan
language created from the hard-soft dodeca-faces of Mudic spin) word "dionata",
which means to calibrate Light through the alignment of polarity. The DIONE
Process involves a raising of the Divine Fire in the holistic body. Once the
body receives this fiery exchange, it is able to transmute illness. For each
individual there is a different karmic tolerance for the level of Divine
Fire they may receive at that time. The
DIONE also includes an "opening of the scroll" for the individual in the
Akashic Records to enable their cellular memory to release a greater portion
of their karma, facilitating receipt of a fuller charge of the "Fire"
DIONE -- Its History in Ancient and Pure form: The pure form DIONE Process
has the following stages:
1 ) Breaking down magnetic programming in the body through deep cellular
circulation of the Mudic harmonics into the biosystem, eliciting the
principle of Divine Fire.
2) "Opening the scroll": rolling back the seal of archetypal presence, which
each individual soul contains as unique to them as their fingerprints. Once
the scroll is opened, symbolic metaphors can be accessed which contain focal
alignments to karmic release. As a result, a greater orientation with the
Higher Self is achieved.
3) The summoning of the Goddess Dione, representing the most indwelling
aspect of the Earth Goddess. She may appear in any feminine form, but She is
usually summoned in Her full consciousness 'Dione' presence. The Goddess
Dione, once summoned, works through Her spiral, web, or maze, to
achieve a greater Divine Feminine balance with the Divine Masculine in the
The ancients usually summoned Dione for both personal resurrection and that
of the group dynamic. However, in group, their goal was not only to clear
personal magnetic pools of entrenched and contradicting energies for
themselves, but to step through the door of personal transformation into
facilitating planetary resurrection. Only through directly accessing the
Dione within, can one create a foundation for the planetary work.
When Dione was summoned for such high intent, She was a Madonna of Light,
her Child the Solar emblem of humanity's Spirit, stationed as an orb of
brilliance in Her womb.
The Goddess as Dione is from the absolute center of the heart-centered
Earth, and thus also the heart-centered ensouled being. As She comes forth
from that center, so She must have clear passage.
Suggested procedure for a basic entry level with the DIONE:
1) Begin by sensing the center of the earth (atoma) merging with the atoma
of your heart chakra. Do this repeatedly as a practice each day until you
truly feel a tingling in the heart and an actual PRESENCE of the sacred Gaia
within you.
2) Then begin to ask within to receive the awareness of the Divine Feminine
expanding throughout your entire being until it becomes wedded with your
Divine Masculine. As the two come together, open yourself to give birth to
the Child beyond the Veil – the non-dualistic creation of the pure universe
in which no dualism resides.
Finding this place within you...as a moment, a flickering sense, a taste on
the tongue; continue to return to it, however fleeting it may be each time.
As you continue to ‘be’ there for even a fraction of a second, so this place
of the ONE will strengthen within you and seemingly magical moments will
arise from it to transform your life.
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