Maia's Services


Seraphi Personal Profiles

the template


Your Seraphi Personal Profile will be determined by Maia through her Source Translations from Thoth. It will be placed on the Seraphi Personal Profile Template (shown above without path numbers) and sent to you in a PDF file (5 pages), which will also contain information on the Pymander Seraphi Personal Profile Program in general as well as your personal "Path Sequences."

Your Personal Seraphi Profile will include four Personal Seraphi Path Sequences as follows: Venus Path (Earth Guardian) / Earth Atoma Path (Holy of Holies) / Solar Path (Living Angelic Light's Home) / Galactic Center Path (Holographic Galactic Genesis Field). These will be expressed on the above shown Seraphi Programs radionics template like this example demonstrates: 4529.7639.8884.4444.

You will also receive a bit of information on each of these Seraphi Paths, what it means, and information on how to best work with them.

For related information on this program please read THOTH ON THE PYMANDER'S SERAPHI PROGRAM (including all links in text on that page).


Seraphi Profile

currently a wait of about about 1 - 4 weeks

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