Thoth, The Hierophant

A Chapter In The Life Of Thoth


From Thoth's ‘The Seven Feathers':
"When time came for me to enter the world, I brought about release from my mother's womb, and Asartarte (Estara Maia) delivered me forth into my first day. My father, Lazerelle (Usmonjhe), bathed me in the herbal water and presented me to the sun of Tungzii (Tibet). A being of great light (Isthica) had appeared to Asartarte in the night and told her what must be done to present me to this life so that I might be made ready to serve as my purpose directed. Lazerelle raised me with his great arms toward the flaming orb. My lungs filled with the sweet, thin air and a cry rang from my smallness, echoing through the chambered bells of granite made by the peaks of my homeland. As the solar emanations bathed my read body, my skin warmed to a golden color and my hands opened wide. As prophecy had foretold, in my left hand was revealed a small blue stone, the Lapis Ice, and in my right palm was borne a dark green crystal, the Emerald Fire of the Holy Cup."
Before Thoth Raismes' birth, Usmonjhe took Estara Maia to a visiting priest-seer by the name of Abbabetghitos. This seer was among an Order who believed in allowing physical aging for themselves, thus Abbabetghitos or ‘Abba' was old and wrinkled at ‘only' 112. He would live another 85 years, appearing no older than he did the day Usmonjhe and Estara Maia came to him. Although his Order believed in experiencing the process of aging, they did not believe in dying from it. Abba consumed just enough Prima Matra and indulged in minimal regenerative techniques, so that he would be able to extend his life in reasonable good health until the day came when he, of his own choosing would depart the body.

The Old One looked upon Estara Maia, her firm belly rounded with life. His small, dark eyes, although kindly, penetrated her soul. She felt her child stir and a prickling sensation run through her spine. H spoke, and his voice was like the rustling wind coming from a deep cavern in the Earth, "Your son will be born with the stones of heaven in his palms. So he will bring the stars to Earth once again. He will be suckled by a white tigress, and her milk will be sweeter than the honey from the hives of Atlan (Atlantis). Tiirna will he be named, ‘light that strikes the Earth.' When he has become a man, so the Gods will bring us together once again. At that time, I will pronounce to the world his identity, which until then shall go unnamed. When he is two years of age, take him unto the Land of the Black Sun (Egypt), to the Temple of the Lion. Have him blessed therein, and his name be written in stone."

Estara Maia became fearful at the seer's words, for she knew that her parents and her grandmother had left the Land of the Black Sun under dangerous circumstances. They had been awakened in the night by a youth whom they mistook for a stable boy (later realizing his identity to be a greater mystery). The boy had told them to flee that land, leaving all behind but bare necessities, and travel into Mu-Rana to make for themselves a new home. Her parents did not question the youth, for they were not asleep to the truth of which he spoke. Yet many years later, they had been killed mysteriously by Nomads. Then her first husband had been murdered by three unknown assailants. She knew in her heart that her parents' death and that of Isthica's were linked through a terrible bond. She feared that to journey into such a forbidding land would bring ill omen upon her family. Usmonjhe comforted her that night, telling his Asartarte that he felt the presence of several Beings of Light near them. They would be protected; and even so, two years was a length of time that was not now undone before them. "Why unwind the spool of thread," questioned Usmonjhe, "when the weaver is not yet at his loom?" Somewhat requited, Estara Maia joyfully awaited the birth of Tiirna.

Tiirna was born on the summer solstice in the year 9160 B.C. True to prophecy, his tiny hands concealed stones which seemed to have formed from a sticky white-silver substance secreted from the chakras in his palms. After the ceremony of his anointing and the bestowing of his birth name, the babe was given to suck for the first time, yet he refused the tit, and after two days, Estara Maia's milk was gone and the infant had still taken no nourishment, not even that of goat's milk with a little wine. In despair, Estara Maia wept and prayed, lighting candles to Ashurba, the goddess of Birth. Usmonjhe was silent and waiting. He remembered the rest of Abba' prophetic words. In the twilight of the third day, Estara Maia was holding her weakened baby, pacing back and forth in the garden, while her husband watched her from a distance. Suddenly he noticed a movement in the bushes near the garden's edge. Green growth was scarce upon the high rocks where Icara rested, but there was a natural enclave not far from the palace, surrounded by boulders protecting it from the wind. Here was found a small spring that fought its way through the forbidding stone and poured down the side of the cliff. This enclave had been enhanced with fertile soil brought from the lowlands and genetically engineered strains of flowering and herbal flora planted in the transported earth. Thus, a mini-scape of nature blossomed within the sheltered grove. Even small animals visited there, and birds of various color and type sang their songs and preened at the sight of their colorful reflections in the languid pool of the garden. But this was no harmless rabbit or fox which made it way through the bushes on the Tiirna's third day of life. The Sage of Icara froze, an icy hand gripping his heart as he saw the immense white tiger emerge from its camouflage in the shade and walk gracefully and regally toward the woman and child. Part of him wished to run, flinging himself between the beast and those he dearly loved, yet a greater emotion was then upon him, silken and warm, scented in the mist of time by an ancient knowing, a purpose, a plan. Usmonjhe felt his body relax, his lungs take in the perfumed air and his eyes fill with tears of gladness, as he saw the creature lie down at the feet of the Mistress of Icara. He could see now that she was a tigress, her tits heavy with milk, which Usmonjhe knew with certainty was "as sweet as the honey from the hives of Atlan."

Estara Maia evidenced no alarm at the animal's behavior. She hesitated only for but a moment, and then in one motion she bent to the tigress and placed her son to the She-beast's breast. Usmonjhe slowly walked toward this amazing scene. When he reached his wife's side, he beheld a peace upon her face that he had not seen before. Tiirna sucked hungrily as the tigress eyed the babe with curiosity at first, and then a sleepy acceptance. Her amber-gold eyes were each as large as the infant's fists. She made a ‘ughurring' sound from deep inside her enormous white body, echoing love and contentment throughout the garden. There was a stillness about the moment, as if time would not dare encroach upon the sacred power of Motherhood shared by the two females and the child that lay between them.

From that day forth, until the young Tiirna had no need of mother's milk, the tigress would stride into the garden at twilight to suckle him. The babe thrived on this one feeding a day, until he was ready for a pulp-like mixture of herbs and fruit. Then the tigress came no more to Icara. Tiirna was a peaceful child in most ways, but as he learned to walk, like all children, he sought adventure with every unsteady step. He especially loved the garden. Before the age of one, he began talking a few scattered words. His first had been ‘tiger.' His parents soon discovered that the boy possessed a vivid memory of his infancy and the royal beast that had sustained his life during those early months. As he toddled from flower to bush, he was always seeking her out. He would ask his mother why the creature did not come to him anymore. It was a question she could not answer. Tiirna even had a special name for the tigress. He called her 'Numoje' meaning ‘she who brings forth the sun,' which was one of many names for the female moon. (Before the earth changes which consumed Atlantis in 9010 B.C., there were two moons about our planet. One was understood as carrying a masculine charge, and the other a feminine. It was the feminine moon that fell from the sky in the great cataclysm.)

Finally, Tiirna's second birth consecration day (birthday) arrived. This was a day that Estara Maia had awaited with a dull heaviness in her chest. Ten sunrises later, Usmonjhe and his family departed for the Land of the Black Sun.

The journey, which had taken 17 days, had been uneventful and Estara Maia began to relax and enjoy the strange beauty of this foreign land. They arrived at the Temple of the Left-Handed Way, where they were to seek audience with a priest or priestess from among those whose duty it was to bless children under the age of four years, dedicating them to whatever god / goddess was then revealed to the priest or priestess. Estara Maia reasoned that this part of the priest-seer Abba' directive would be simple. It was the next steps that concerned her. Few children were blessed within the Temple of the Lion, for it was the most sacred temple in all the land. Secondly, Tiirna's name was "to be written in stone," according to Abba. What could this mean? Even Usmonjhe could not decipher this part of the prophecy.

Early in the morning hours of the day they had planned to seek audience for Tiirna at the Temple of the Left-Handed Way, Usmonjhe had a powerful dream-vision in which he saw a woman clothed in shining veils so brilliant he sought to look away from her, yet he could not, for her presence riveted his soul and his spirit hungered to cherish the beauty of her form beneath the curtains of light. She spoke unto the Sage, saying, "I am the Mother of the Sun. Bring the child who is mine own to the Garden of Urphara before the hour of the noontide." Usmonjhe then saw three pillars lifting upward into the starry firmament. The left pillar was white, shorn of any design, gleaming as a beam of sparkling dew the quality of soft, fine light. The pillar on the right was in the likeness of silver oxim (mercury), mutable with the vapor of the sky. The middle pillar was of rarified gold, two serpents carved in relief coiled about the pillar in a fiery embrace. Suspended above the three pillars was a square block of stone, upon which a stylus moved as if commanded by an unseen hand. A sign was hewn upon the stone in this fashion, and the sign was that of a trident with a sphere above each of the three prongs. The voice of the Mother of the Sun spoke once again, "I give unto thee the seal of he who is Master of the Three Crowns. Let it be so inscribed within the Vita of Thoth." (a chamber in the Great Pyramid or Temple of the Lion.) When Usmonjhe awoke, he smelled a sweet scent about him, and knew that the Mother of the Sun had pressed her hand upon his heart. Estara Maia stirred next to him, and he saw a glimmer of pale yellow light about her. He knew that she too, had been quickened by the Woman of Veils.
Following the instruction of the lady in his dream-vision, Usmonjhe did not go that morning to the Temple of the Left-Handed Way, but instead took his wife and step-son to the Garden of Urphara just before noontide the same day. As they sat in the shade of the trees, tiny birds chortled for attention from the small boy who fed them from his open palms. Animals and fowl of all kinds always came without fear to Tiirna, allowing him to stroke them. The birds seemed to be carrying on a conversation with the boy, as he made chirping sounds amidst their joyous twittering. A delicate symphony of chimes blended with the harmony of the winged ones, and gurgling rushing waters beat a rhythm into the orchestration, completing the compendium of song.

After awhile, a tall man with a shaven head, wearing an azure blue robe trimmed in tiny golden beads strolled upon the path toward where the family was seated. Like all Sun Born, he was ageless in appearance. His eyes were a brilliant blue fire set in sharp features almost hawk-like in their candor. He stopped before Usmonjhe, who was now on his feet. The tall one introduced himself as Ponjah, Master of the Seventh Way. Both Usmonjhe and Estara Maia knew that the Path of the Seventh Way was a high degree of initiation in the Temple of the Lion. Estara Maia's maternal Grandfather had been an initiate of this Path.
Ponjah looked upon Tiirna, who stood draped from head to foot in a whirl of frolicking feathers. The boy stared up at him, and Ponjah saw upon the child's forehead three small red dots of discoloration, so perfect as if to have been painted there upon, yet he knew them to be a natural birthmark. Tiirna's blue eyes equaled the Master Priest's in their blaze, yet his face was that of a tender age, the soft flesh still dewy with the memory of the womb, framed in dark hair, nestled in curls at the nape of his neck. Ponjah knew without a doubt as he gazed upon the boy-child, that this was he who would become Master of the Three Crowns. Without a word he took Tiirna's tiny hand in his, nodded to his parents to follow and walked toward the Temple of the Lion which towered like a shaft of white lightening brazing the horizon beyond Urphara. And so was Tiirna, the embodiment of Toth-Mus-Zurud, given his initiation in the Temple of the Lion where in the Vita of Toth his name in the form of the sacred trident, was inscribed upon the stone. Of this ceremony it cannot be written, for none but the initiated may know of its ritual. Yet all who came into the presence of Tiirna from that day forward, would receive the benefaction of the blessings of an Anointed One who had taken upon him the mantle of the Seventh Path at the age of two years and 29 days of life.

Upon their return to Adujahra, the Sage of Icara, his wife and the young Anointed One began in earnest, the preparations necessary for the future of a Great Master's sojourn in the Earth.

As Tiirna grew, he was eventually joined by three brothers and two sisters. Tatetat was born four years after Tiirna. His name meant ‘ wind through the flute,' and he was as strong and lean as a willow wind-wood. Tatetat loved music and often he would play the flute, while Tiirna coaxed magical tones from an ebony harp. Tiirna's brother Raseshet was born the day before his 16th birthday; a golden-haired babe, who would one day become a keeper and trainer of fine horses in Atlantis. Then there was Stephaan, 28 years Tiirna's junior, who was born without fully formed vocal chords. Stephaan would never speak, yet his mind could transmit thought as clearly as a sunlit morning brought the full presence of the day to a sleeping world. Tiirna's sister, Karmel, first suckled her mother's breast when Tiirna was 31. She was an amber-eyed feline in her demeanor, always laughing and teasing, some kittenish ploy at work in her facile mind. Lastly, was Lhasa, named for a Lemurian Goddess of lofty places. She was auburn and rose, violet eyes, resting upon the horizon of a dreamy sea. Tiirna was 50 years of age when his youngest sibling was born, yet at 50 his appearance and youthfulness was the equivalent of 19 or 20 in our current century. Although he loved and admired all his half-brothers and sisters, Lhasa was Tiirna's ‘Little Pearl,' as he called her. Still in the early ripeness of manhood, he took pleasure in a somewhat paternal role with the little girl, who delighted in every treasured moment she could share with her oldest brother. Lhasa would become an oracle in her womanhood, loving the sea more than the mountains, calling the golden-towered rooftops of Parabola in Atlantis her home until destiny would take her to Egypt to become the companion of Ptah, the Master Psalmer.

Thus, did Tiirna mature into his youthful prime at Adujahra. On Evensongs alight with the fires of festival, the family of the Sage of Icara and the lovely Estara Maia would invite the inhabitants of the Adujahra valley to an enclave near the Lake of Nimmi, where they would lead the Evensong with their splendid voices. Tiirna would also play his harp and Tatetat his flute, while the many voices of the valley lifted as one, carrying their moving refrain unto the bell-like reaches of the Mountain of the Moon.

From the unfinished manuscript, "JOURNEY OF THE BELOVED," on the life of Thoth, Raismes of Aphra
more pages of Thoth's story

From the unfinished manuscript, "JOURNEY OF THE BELOVED," on the life of Thoth, Raismes of Aphra

more pages of Thoth's story

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