Personal Readings with ThothHorRa - Translated by Maia Kyi'Ra


From my history of Thoth I received years ago, I was shown that he brought forth the first "Tarot" - or rather the later Tarot would be born out of his original symbolic work. As I wrote:


The Tak-Arot had been developed by Toth-Mus-Zurud from knowledge contained within the Enochian Table which he brought from Orion. This was the first time Tiirna (Thoth Raismes host body before his transformation) has seen these ‘cards,' and yet they were intimately familiar to him, for as Toth-Mus-Zurud, he had created and engraved the gold sheets with his own hands. He passed different hands over them now, seeking the union of energy through space and time which would align him with but seven sheets of gold in the collection of 87. The Tak-Arot was divided thusly: the 58 lesser, the 22 greater and the ‘sacred nine' or ennead. In our current period, the ‘lesser' is known as the minor arcana and the ‘greater' as the major arcana. The ‘ennead' did not survive the ages to become a part of the modern tarot.


My inner-planes mentor, ThothHorRa has given me an additional new format for personalized readings. He shows me "oracle cards" of his creation (not the Tak-Arot but derived from it). They simply appear in my mind for the querant, their question or situation at hand. I see his "hands" as he lays down three cards for the individual. You may submit one question or simply ask for what he wishes to relate to you at this time. The reading will consist of three symbols and interpretations. No art is involved, just description and what it means for you personally. He is calling it the "Oracle of Xii" - Xii (pronounced Z-eye) is an ancient word for the Deeper Path of Knowing and is a "card" in the "deck."

The images I see are rich and exquisite and I feel them energetically enter the person for whom I am giving the reading. So once again (as all my session types are) this is an energy transmission as well as an info session.

An example of the symbology of the Tak-Arot, from which the Xii has been revealed, is from the same text as above:


The engraving was of a woman heavily veiled, whose left arm was held aloft, carrying a winged wand upon which was wound two serpents. In her right hand at the level of her navel, she held a diamond-shaped crystal. Above her head were three spheres forming a triangle. She stood upon a sphere containing within it a cube, the angelic fire-letter ukabar ablaze at its center. Ukabar is the seventh vowel of creation, and as such, denotes the infusion of Light into the membrane of cohesion at the center of the atom. The sphere is the world and the cube is matter, which with the ‘Divine Language' at its center, is transmuted into ‘Prima Matra' or the first pure form of inviolate Matter-Light. The veiled lady is the solvent with the power to unleash pure, unbridled transmission of Light into every particle of the universe. Yet this ‘solvent' will not be revealed until the Day of Reckoning is at hand, when the Universe begins its cycle back toward the Throne of Metatron. The serpent-wand she held in her left hand represents the mastery of duality with the DNA, giving flight or liberation to the pure gem body of man. The diamond-shaped crystal in her right hand is that pure gem as it becomes cognate in the mind. Before it can manifest in matter, so the ‘gem consciousness' must enter the mind and transform it into Higher Mind. The three spheres above her head represent the three Sephira of the Holy Tree beyond the gate of Metatron. In the tarot of the distant future, this image would become known as ‘The World / Universe.' Tiirna knew this Tak-Arot archetypal presentation represented his mission in life; to open passageways through the vaults of universal memory for the transmission of Light Redemption.


I created only one of the images of the Xii version as art, and that is the Xii itself  - which if I created an actual deck of cards, would go on the back of each one.




  • Your session will be in written form.
  • Waiting time for session to be delivered to you is aprox 2-3 weeks.

Thoth's Oracle of Xii Reading


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