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SANCTARII - The Sanctuaries of Lemuria and Atlantis

Webster's Dictionary on "sanctuary":

Etymology: Middle English sanctuarie, from Middle French sainctuarie, from Late Latin sanctuarium, from Latin sanctus
Date: 14th century

1 : a consecrated place: as a : the ancient Hebrew temple at Jerusalem or its holy of holies b (1) : the most sacred part of a religious building (as the part of a Christian church in which the altar is placed) (2) : the room in which general worship services are held (3) : a place (as a church or a temple) for worship

2 a (1) : a place of refuge and protection (2) : a refuge for wildlife where predators are controlled and hunting is illegal b : the immunity from law attached to a sanctuary

The Enclyopedia Brittanica on "sanctuary"

"In religion, a sacred place, set apart from the profane, ordinary world. Originally, sanctuaries were natural locations, such as groves or hills, where the divine or sacred was believed to be especially present.


Many of the words that come out of the ancient known languages, such a Latin have even more ancient origins in the First Languages of mankind, which originated in Mu / Lemuria. Mu was the Mother continent in the Pacific which submerged under the sea many eons ago. It was the races from Mu that originally populated the world, including the fabled continent of Atlantis.

The most ancient of languages was the "Aloii," which was derived from the electrical waves in the brain, that when firing, create actual "fire letters." This is true for the electrical impulses in the heart-brain (the neurons within the heart) as well.

In the Aloii language, "sanctuary" was "sanctari." The "Sanctarii" were a specific type of sanctri or sanctuary. In English, I am adding an extra "i" to denote this. The vowel sound of the "i" was written in Aloii as a dot. The Sanctarii then, contained two dots rather than only one, to denote the difference between simply the meaning of the word "sancturary" and the specific type of sanctuary that was recognized as "Sanctarii." "ii"was the sacred nothing, which would also be interpreted as the sacred presence, for "nothing" and "presence" in Alloii were the same word. To the mind-set of the user of the Alloii language, to have "no-thing" was to be unattached to "things" and thus to be sustained fully in presence.

The Sanctarii, then were sanctuaries of an intentional consciousness which held sacred presence. While each Sanctarii was unique unto itself, they did have some rudimentary similarities among them:

1) They held Sacred Presence. (more on this later.)

2) The Sanctarii were open to receive all who wished to drink from the font of its "sanctuary."

3) They possessed an inner core group, the "Sancta," who maintained the physical Sanctarii and performed a spiritual service of "saii" or "holding sacred presence."

4) The four sacred elements of the earth were employed in their few basic rituals and ceremony, with a particular element being central to them. For one Sanctarii it might be earth, for another it could be water, etc. Nature in general was very much emphasized by the Sanctarii.

5) Music and chanting sacred activational mantrams played a major role in the Sanctarii, although the types of music and the manner of presentation varied within each.

6) The nurturing of children and animals was of special importance within the Sanctarii.

7) Only the Sancta lived within the Sanctarii. All others who partook of it would do so mostly from a distance (via inner-plane and spiritual connection), only physically visiting the Sanctarii at certain times of key significance, or when in specific need. Usually (but not always) there were a few retreat cells for visitors to stay for several days or weeks, depending on the need.


The holding of spiritual presence

To the Sancta and those who integrated their lives with them and the Sanctarii they served, the holding of spiritual presence was a conscious maintaining of an vibration. This vibration permeating their lives (most especially true of the Sancta), and out-pictured in the various ways which the "Presence Holders of the Sacred" chose to express themselves to the world. The Sancta themselves were not cloistered, nor could they even be considered as introverted in their practices as a monastery. They were not extremely active in an outer way, and yet they did interact with the world, as to the Sancta, the world was not an evil place full of temptation, but a truly precious realm which simply was not yet fully developed, and therefore needed the "spiritual presence" maintained within it by those willing and capable of devoting their lives to this purpose. The Sancta and those who in the outer world who joined them in their presence-holding, believed that by holding spiritual presence, they not only did so for themselves, but for the entire planet.


Basic Tenets of "Holding Presence" as maintained within the Sanctarii

1) To receive all vibrations of life as an equal exchange of being. In other words, all substances of the earth are equally received through the etheric streaming and into the human being. This knowing is the basis for all things sharing equal sacredness. When fully opened on the cellular to this truth, one receives as much sacred essence from a fly as it does from a peacock. One will receive as much from the void of complete darkness as from a radiant sunset. And yet the individuality of each "thing" is cherished for its unique "print" of being.

2) To remain at the center of all experience. When one is at the center of "event," the time line is not limited to only two dimensions, for the center was seen by the Sanctii as being an opening into omni-presence and thus omni-experience. If one is unhappy about an outcome of one's experience, they are not at the center of it, for to be at the center means that you are holding an infinite number of outcomes and can choose to experience any one of them. The irony is that when a person is able to do this, they are no longer concerned with changing the outcome to suit personal preference, but turn instead within the experience itself, and comprehend what purpose it may serve their greater soul self. They choose the outcome then, based on a deeper understanding of the universe and not on personal preference. This is what Yeshua did in accepting the outcome of the crucifixion.

3) Being at the center of one's self allows true presence to be held for all being on the planet: to be a streaming node in the tapestry of time and space, thereby enhancing the masterpiece of which all life on earth is a part.

As an example of a Sanctarii, I have chose the Eropa Sanctarii in Lemuria (see the Lemurian gallery in the Earth Chronicles section). Eropa means "to blossom," to "hold to the light," to "be renewed by light." Eropa was a "water-born" sanctuary on the eastern coast of Lemuria then known as the "Fasz." It was a region replete with mountains and lakes that emptied into a large inlet to the Pacific Ocean.

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