Question: Can you share what the white winged horse
represents? (see image in Enchantments gallery)
Answer: The horse is usually representative of the Higher
Mind...especially a white horse. Being "winged" adds to the uplifting of the
soul through spiritualized Intelligence. Usually Totemic messengers (animal
totems), while presenting energies from the nature kingdom, also are the "PDF
files" containing beings of light...guardians, guides, from the human soul
Question: I seem to recall from an old issue of Temple
Doors a reference to the primordial feminine represented by the Black
Madonna/Isis as the 'Dweller on the Threshold'. In 'from the mouth of the lion'
Thoth makes a distinction between Isis and Sekhmet. Yet Sekhmet is also
known as 'the Dweller on the Threshold'. I'm wondering if they share the
same function, different essence or vice versa?
Answer: DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD is an esoteric
term which refers to a particular aspect of the Self that is the watchdog of its
lesser components. The "Dweller," then is that part of the Self that
tells us we can face the TRUTH of our lesser-than natures the easy way or
screaming and kicking...but we are going to have to face it one way or the
other, sooner or later!
Sekhmet is a really powerful archetype that amps the human internal Dweller
in a no-nonsense way. Skehmet as a COSMIC POWER is beyond the earth orientation
as a Dweller impetus. She therefore strikes at the core of our galactic natures.
Isis on the other hand, brings us to a point of realization with our earthen
labors. Our Dweller focuses more inwardly with Isis, into the
"Cradle", whereas Skehmet takes us into expansion toward galactic
Question: According to the
New Earth
material on this website, nly portions of the current earth will ascend. What
will take up the rest of the sphere?
Answer: The idea of only parts of the planet ascending almost seems
comical to visualize. However, I was shown that the matter of the earth...ALL
the matter...will be re-translated into Light codes...pixels if you will. From
these pixels or light bits, those matching the frequency of the "call"
or sounding given from the center of the earth, will re-align within the New
Earth Star. Those not matching the vibration will re-cycle elsewhere
re-composing into a sphere that is in a lesser state of evolution than is the
New Earth Star. Since we are speaking here of little "bits" of
information, how it re-structures may not be identical to how it left this
reality, as it will become a part of another matrix and must
"facet-match" that matrix.
Question: In the Akasha will the Nephilimic inserts be
eliminated after LP-40 (the world Ascension)?
Answer: As a prolog to answering this question...."Nephilim"
in the Thothian material refers to souls of a wide variety who act as the
"opposite" pull to Light-centered consciousness. However they
GOT there (and there are as many stories as there are Nephilimic souls), they
are playing their role in this stage of universal evolution. They are a
necessary ingredient. You could really (if we were totally honest) say
that everyone incarnated on earth except an handful of yogis and lamas are
"Nephilimic" souls. In the Thothian material it is used more to
reference souls which have an agenda in consciousness to oppose the Light.
However, I have become increasingly dis-satisfied with the using of the name
"Niphilim" in this manner. Just like the Osmonds used to say on
their TV show..."a little bit country and a little bit rock'n'roll," I
believe we are all a little bit Masters and a little bit Niphilim."
Back to the question at hand, will will bring with us a "memory" of
the Niphilim aspects of our being. This will be like a "ghost"
that will fade as we move deeper into the "dream" of the New Earth and
make it our reality.
Question: In the "Earth Quilt" you speak of
Camelonia/Camelot and the fulfillment of vows as a requirement prior to
realizing the New Earth Star. Is there a Temple Doors you can post that speaks
to this law, etc.? If so, would you be willing to post it?
Answer: No, I do not have a specific reference to such
in Temple Doors. This subject really leads into deep pools of one's own commitment
to personal spiritual evolution. These are internal / eternal "vows"
that are not devised in specific language or thought. They align to the soul's
continual seeking for unity and its cyclic renewal of that alignment to the
"Golden Mean" of questing consciousness. Like a moth returning to the
flame, the "vows" bring us back again and again. Our emollition may be
challenging to the personality and the physical form (if we insist on dwelling
in the illusion), but to our soul, it is pure, fiery bliss.
Question: In the book "The Light shall set you
free" by Doctors Norma J. Milanovich & Shirley D. McCune in a quoted
discourse by Sananda (Jesus) on Forgiveness at the top
of page 328 it says: "How simple is the solution
Dear Children of Thoth". The importance of Thoth is indicated when you remind us that Thoth is one of the Seven templates of Adam
Kadmon (as Jesus is one), but why are we considered the children of Thoth do you think?
Answer: It is my opinion that this
is a metaphorical statement. From an archetypal point of view, Thoth is the
physician of the codes of Light or DNA. Thus, he is the "scribe" (inscripter)
of the Akashic, where these light codes are holgramed
from the DNA. Following this archetypal view, human would then be the
"Children of Thoth," as our DNA inscriptions bear his mark.
Question: I would like to know
about the Holy Grail that Jesus had used during the last supper,i f where it was
now ? Is it true that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene?
Answer: According to my akashic insights, although
Yeshua was never married, he came to Mari of Magdalene AFTER his resurrection,
while she was on the Isle of Iona...there was an "immaculate
conception" of sorts, through which his seed impregnated Mari. The son born
to her she named "John of Martinus" (John Martinus). The last name
"Martinus" was after the Greek who guardianed Mari and raised John as
a foster son. John spent most of his life at Glastonbury and is buried there, in
a chamber way below ground. In that same chamber rests the true
"grail" cup of the Last Supper. From this one child, so the direct
linage of Yeshua was established. This story differs dramatically from many new
controversial research books out now.
Question: In one of the channelings it says that Thoth
(12,000 years ago) began one of his incarnations and brought with him the
Enochian Tablets. But didn't Enoch live long after Thoth? Enoch was about 6000
years ago... but Thoth was 12,000 years ago. Can you explain? I'm not doubting
the validity of your channelings.. because they do agree with my spirit. just
hoping to get that cleared up in my mind.
Answer: Thoth uses world-symbology in his "Thoth
Speak" (or at least in my interpretation of it). Thus, the "Enochian"
Tablets like the "Enochian" Masters is referring to a vibration and
frequency through which at some point in our linear time, a prophet named Enoch
became part of. To such masters as Thoth there IS no linear time...or at least
it does not figure into the greater equation. His use of words then, often has
to do with their vibrational association in our world ideology.