akashic definition of: Ptah Threshold & Ptah Hold

The Ptah Threshold of which the Kadmonis are guardians, is the gateway energy amplitude through which souls will interface with the recapitulated Adam Kadmon.

The living Ptah of Egypt, brother-in-law of Thoth Raismes, was a three-soul lattice, one of which was a 6th dimensional being who was able to accept and hold a station for the radiance of the 'Lord of Light,' Ptah.

further info:

In the ancient Egyptian site Lake Meoris, there are 12 ENOCHIAN MASTERS in the "Vaults of the Kings" area of the temple (labyrinth). There are two Temples that appear to follow a pattern: the "Sar-Hanok" and "Sky Lotus Pyriethum", Pyriethum meaning in the ancient Aloii language, "to display or present". The main purpose of the 4 pyriethum temple complexes was extraordinary. They each house twelve Enochian Masters (a level of Sun Lords) in suspended animation. The three Pyriethum together then, contained a total of 48 Sun Lords.

The Sky Lotus Pyriethum Labyrinth at Lake Moeris - a Basic Schematic of the Structure

The labyrinth as a whole is circular. There are certain chambers
within the outermost area which will not be detailed here.

The next layer toward the interior of the labyrinth are the 'Vaults of
the Kings,' which contain the 12 suspended bodies of what Thoth is
calling the 'Grail Kings' - Illuminari Enochian Master beings. (ref:
notebook info on 'definitions') Each of these vaults contain a
sarcophagus in which the suspended body of one of the Grail Kings
rests, holding their individual genetic tone for the planet. The
vaults are arranged in a circle around the innermost chamber of the
Pyriethum so that the heads of the suspended forms are all facing
toward the center of the inner chamber.

The ancient name of the central chamber is the 'Aitemkaphta.'
However, Thoth is calling it the 'Ptah Hold' for our benefit, as it is
easier to pronounce and spell, and as you will see, will be more
aligned in our minds to the chamber's purpose.

In order to understand the function of the Ptah Hold, it would best
serve to first reveal the workings of its central mechanism, the 'Ra
Eye' - again a Thoth name, although the ancient name, U'Aton Omkharis,
means essential the same thing. The Ra Eye contains several working

1) The 'hub' anchored into the ceiling. Made of an 'otherworld'
metal, this tubular ring contains 28 'ball-bearings' the size of large
oranges, such that when the device is activated, they spin and move
against each other inside their tube. In the center point of the
circle the ring prescribes, a powerful itonic field is generated.

Itons: Particles of supra-atomic substance which can bond to the
Oritronic Spiral. These particles act as 'seeds' for the Metatronic
consciousness in this reality system.

2) The 'dish' set into the floor of the Ptah Hold. This is made of
glass which is formed from gold which has been alchemically altered
into its purest physical state - White Powder of Gold. This dish is
approximately five feet across, and about 2 feet deep. In the center
of the dish is a cylinder of titanium and gold, which extends upwards
from the center point. This core cylinder has been charged with a
negative-itonic field, whereas the itonic field being created in the
hub is in a positive charge modality.

When the Ra Eye is activated (contained both the ring and dish
dynamics), a column of supra-particles Thoth is calling 'zoi' are
created between the two ports - the ring and the dish. The zoi
particles create a containment field for the entry of the Layooesh
Pillar of Light (ref: notebook definitions). The Layooesh is brought
into the zoi field by the combined energy dynamic of the Enochian
Master forms in suspension within the vaults encircling the Ptah Hold.

The Zartakii crystal , which is the
activator/controller of this whole dynamic, is positioned in its
physical form (as it's greater energy body is etheric) on a granite
stone altar beneath the Ra Eye. In order to activate the Layooesh
within the Ra Eye, the crystal is never physically touched. Two or
more persons position themselves around the Ra Eye and call upon the
crystal to activate. As they do this, so it forms holographically,
suspended in the center of the zoi field, drawing upon the 'EM' of the
Enochian Master forms and bringing through the Layooesh as a pillar or
column of light between the two ports of the Ra Eye.

The Pillars of the Abode are created through the Zartakii's interface
with the Layooesh, creating two pillars of polarity - the 'MEN' and
'ZYN.' They hold the balance of the Layooesh as it interfaces with
the matter worlds, and thus are access points of manifestation with
and through the Layooesh for the purpose of directing its Light codes
into the matter worlds.

Thoth calls this chamber the 'Ptah Hold,' as the chamber as a whole
(revealed here is only a portion of the whole function) is aligned to
the 'Ptah Threshold,' a universal gateway energy amplitude through
which souls will interface with the recapitulated Adam Kadmon.

The Ptah Hold is capable of working with multiple dimensions,
alternate and parallel realities.

The Ptah Hold is aligned to the 'Ptah Threshold,' a universal gateway
energy amplitude through which souls will interface with the recapitulated
Adam Kadmon.

also read: http://www.spiritmythos.org/TM/solar-lunar/pyriethum.htm