Transmission from: Thoth / Chariot of the Sun
Date: 10/28/97
Subject: Osiris-Rem-Nebket
Thoth / Sun: We speak to you now of Osiris-Rem-Nebket.
Osiris-Rem-Nebket is a abouet, an energy vessel created by Osiris and the
priests and priestess of Khefum-Ra in the Days of Egyptos before the Deluge. In
the Temple of Khefum-Ra, so the priests and priestesses entered the Halls of
Amenti and beseeched the Lord Immortals to create with them an abouet which
would serve to initiate ‘Sun Born’ throughout the ages, long after their time as
guardians of the Solar Threshold had passed. Thus was Osiris-Rem-Nebket created,
through the portal of the Great Osiris and into the Vault of Osiris in the
Temple of the Risen One. Like His Host, Osiris, He is the ‘Black Lord’. His skin
is a brilliant blue-black, his eyes are of sapphire, his hair a dark auburn. In
the center of Osiris-Rem-Nebket’s chest is a diamond-shaped crystal, appearing
liken unto a star of blue fire. This is the kether-ath, the binding stone; that
which is the master control for the Osiris grid between the Earth and Orion
(encompassing the Earth as a member of Orion, enabling it to cross the solar
threshold during
LP 40 and return to its true star-sun).
Osiris contains the master program for the bonding of the
greater star fields to the lesser through the Threshold of Orion. As his
projection is brought through a series of stellar apexes, so it creates the
vesica, the Eye of His Sun of Suns - Horus. In this central whorl which is the
Eye of His Sun, so realms are created from the kor and the alm. These ‘Realms’
include not only star systems and biophysical forms, but realms within the heart
and soul given as solar emblems of Light formation overlaid upon the zodiacal
charting of the Adam Kadmon memory within the current human form.