Atlantean Crystals
From the Akashic Repository of Thoth is given
the following information on "Atlantean Crystals" (as viewed through
the akashic perception of Maia Christianne).
What is being referred to here as "Atlantean
Crystals" are the following:
1) implanted crystals - These are crystals
brought from Atlantis and physically implanted into the earth at various
locations, usually upon power nodes. During the age of Atlantis (especially in
the latter days of is existence) most of these crystals were transported to
other sacred areas. The crystals contained the original star codes which
Atlantis was holding for the planet. (More on the "star codes" later
in this article.)
2) transference crystals - Crystals still
within the veins of the earth. They have had the light codes of Atlantis
transferred into them by the Earth Guardians of Atlantis. All of these Atlantean
programs are encoded within crystalline matrices of mineral deposits in the
earth which Thoth calls "Merlin’s Mine." The "Merlin’s
Mine" crystal deposits contain Light program encodings for various
"programs" in stratum or energy layers of the planet, one of which is
3) interfaced crystals - These are
"ordinary" crystals which have been reprogrammed to interface with the
Atlantean stratum of the Merlin Mine (or other stratum of that matrix).
These "star codes" are the
original star programs contained in the earth’s field from its creation out of
"stardust." While the planet holds this cosmic stuff at its center, so
humanity formulates the "codes" of creation from it...for they are the
"Elohim" of the next planetary cycle. The Atlanteans as a culture,
held these codes in a specific balance for the planet. When their end was near,
it became their intention was to pass them into the next cycle through various
means–one of which was through the crystals.
A Personal, Interactive Process
Using any crystal which you
intuit as "clear" (not previously programmed), you may tap into
the Atlantean Crystal Matrix–the "light net" connecting all the
Atlantean crystals to the greater universal grid of UNITY Thoth
calls the "Attasic," which is beyond the half-light
reality-universe in which we collectively maintain in our field.
To aid you in accessing the Atlantean Crystal Matrix, you may
wish to visualize a blue-green light in the center of which is a
sparkling clear crystal radiating rainbow colors. Chant the
mantram OMU-RA-SA-SET-TA until you feel that you have
successfully entered the matrix. Then chant AB-E-VEH-SEE-MA-ON-UR-EH
as you call upon these codes to quicken your light body to the "Attasic"
For more on Atlantis, see
Chronicles - Atlantis