Through my Crown Chakra streams the LIGHT and PERFECTION of my Divine Blueprint,
re-activating and re-aligning all the circuits in my energy bodies.
Through my Third Eye I open to receive the Light Language of the Angelic
Spheres, that I may commune more deeply with the Holy Merkabahs of my Celestial
Through my Throat Chakra I command the WORD, the TONE, the SONG of God to rise
within me, to clear me of any restrictive feelings, fears or negative
Through my Heart Chakra I send and receive unconditional LOVE, affirming that I
am one with all that is. There is no separation, and therefore there can be only
acceptance in me of every aspect of the ALL.
Through my Solar Plexus I feel the POWER of my SOUL connecting deeply into my
Elemental Body...loving it, assuring it, sustaining it, giving it the GUIDANCE
it needs to facilitate my whole vehicle of Light.
Through my Navel Chakra I experience New Birth every moment, as I continually
awaken in the NOW. I am nourished by the cosmic pulse in the Mother Womb. I know
that I am never alone.
Through my Base Chakra I connect to the magnetic resonance of the Earth. I feel
Her ebb and flow, I am sensitive to how I move through her field of life. I am
conscious of synchronizing my inner clock, rhythm and presence with Gaia as I
sleep, eat, breath and move.