In addition to receiving certain triggers to open Phi Light codes in your being
through viewing the images in the Amatrix Transmission Package, you may use it
as a type of intuitive tool as well. I have the default setting of the
screensaver on random display, so each time you view it, a different sequencing
of the images will appear. It is my belief that the individual will draw the
correct sequencing for him/her at that time. You can even set in your intention
before you begin the process, that the first three (specific what number) images
related to you especially for the day or situation in your life that you hold in
that intention.
If two or more balance points appear close together this may mean that a
powerful re-orientation in energy is taking place for you.
Two or more Amatrix Angels appearing close together signifies going deeper in
opening to your divine nature.
Generative Mandalas are about being aware of the greater universal picture of
which we are a part; and in becoming aware of how that “bigger picture” is
effecting your own piece of the hologram.
Chariots and Phi Merkabahs are messengers:
Chariots are bringing you the codes of new “world building” but may have the
effect of “The Tower” in the tarot if too much old debris needs to be cleared
away first.
Phi Merkabahs come with the clues for transformation in the more everyday
Crystalline nodes may quicken in you a healing response in mind and body
(inclusive of all the energy bodies); and they present the codes of connect to
the microcosm, where whole universes exist in our cells and DNA.
From the Temple Pathways we find ancient triggers of spirit embedded deeply into
our incarnative stream. They offer you the opportunity of seeing and
experiencing these pathways in a NEW light.
Assisting Agencies reveal to you their connections to your quest and the
energies you naturally integrate into your journey.
Yet none of these images are intended to be pondered upon with too much gravity.
The more instinctively they are simply accepted into your energy bodies through
viewing them in a receptive mode, the deeper they will go.
The Symbols
I have placed certain symbols in this energy art to act as internal stimulus for
energy receipt. Some of the symbols I drew myself and are of what I believe to
be angelic in nature. Other symbols come from fonts: Enochian, Sanskrit, etc. I
chose the particular symbols out of these languages for their vibration and not
for their meaning in the actual language (of which I haven’t a clue).
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