Akashic & Akashic Record
References from Various Scholarly and Religious Sources


Britannica Micropaedia – Akashic Record:

Akashic record, in occultism, a compendium of pictorial records, or "memories," of all events, actions, thoughts, and feelings that have occurred since the beginning of time. They are said to be imprinted on Akasha, the astral light, which is described by spiritualists as a fluid ether existing beyond the range of human senses. The Akashic records are reputedly accessible to certain select individuals....Akasha allegedly transmits the waves of human willpower, thought, feeling, and imagination and is a reservoir of occult power, an ocean of unconsciousness to which all are linked, making prophecy and clairvoyance possible.


Dictionary of All Scriptures & Myths by G.A. Gaskell:

Akasa, Ether-Space: "First in order, Akasa, 'ether' with the distinguishing property of sound or in other words, the substratum of sound (which sound is the vishaya or object for a corresponding organ of sense, the ear). Tootnote,–The Ramayana, II. 110. 5, makes Brahma spring from ether, but the Epic and Puranic accounts of akasa are very inconsistent. Some say that it was created and is perishable, others that it was not created and is eternal." - Mon. Williams, Indian Wisdom, p.93

 Thoth speaks of the "Greater" and "Lesser" Akashic. The "Greater" is imperishable and the "Lesser is not.

To continue from Gaskell...

"He (Brahman) who, dwelling in the akasa, is distinct from akasa, whom the akasa knows not, whose body the akasa is, who rules the akasa from within, he is thy soul, the inner guide, the immortal."–Brihad. Upanishad, III. 7, 12.

"It is the akasa, out of which all these creatures proceed, and into which they are again received, the akasha is older than they all, the akasa is the ultimate end."–Khand. Upanishad, I. 9, 1.


Sufi Master Hazarat Inayat Khan, excerpted from "The Way of Illumination":

 Akasha means accommodation; not necessarily what man calls the sky, although the sky is an accommodation. On the model of the Akasha the whole creation has been based...all that exists is contained in an accommodation in the Akasha, and by being in Akasha the nature of all things is revealed.


From a Sanskrit Glossary from "Integral Yoga Literature" at: http://www.miraura.org/lit/skgl/skgl-02.html

akasa (Akasha) ether; [as one of the five bhutas]: the static principle of extension which is the eternal matrix of things.


From An Invitation to The Secret Doctrine -- H. P. Blavatsky

A Glossary at: http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/invit-sd/invsd-gl.htm

Akasha, Akasa (Skt, fr kas, "to shine") "space, vacuity," aether, the fifth cosmic element; subtle spiritual essence or substance which pervade all space.


From a "Collation of Theosophical Glossaries" at: http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/ctg/ae-aj.htm

TG Aether (Gr.). With the ancients the divine luminiferous substance which pervades the whole universe, the "garment" of the Supreme Deity, Zeus, or Jupiter. With the moderns, AEther, for the meaning of which in physics and chemistry see Webster's Dictionary or any other. In esotericism ether is the third principle of the Kosmic Septenary; the Earth being the lowest,

then the Astral Light, Ether and Akasa (phonetically akasha) the highest. KT Aether (Gr.) With the Ancients, the Divine luminiferous substance which pervades the whole universe; the "garment" of the Supreme Deity, Zeus, or Jupiter. With the Moderns, Ether, for the meaning of which, in physics and chemistry, see Webster's Dictionary, or some other. In Esotericism, AEther is the third principle of the Kosmic Septenary, matter (earth) being the lowest, and Akasa, the highest. WGa Aether, same as Ether. The great luminiferous substance throughout the whole universe. Astral Light, Akasa, and the like are forms of Aether.

SD INDEX Aether I 330-2, 527 &nn. See also Akasa, Daiviprakriti, Elements, Ether, Protyle


Good further insights in eastern perspective: http://www.askbaba.net/sathyasaivahini/sathya035.html


From Blavatsky: http://theosophy.org/tlodocs/FireofPurgation.htm


Of interest, the formation of a fetus from the various elements, including akasha: http://www.healthepic.com/ayurveda/mother&childcare/aur_preg_newlife.htm

Gives a further insight into the qualities and nature of akasha from the eastern perspective.


Some great references here including Steiner and Cayce. http://www.occultopedia.com/a/akasha.htm


More from Blavatsky in "Isis Unvelied" on Akasha: http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/kuhnisisunveiled.htm


From an Esoteric Glossary at: http://www.innerlab.com/atmanet/ing/dict/a.htm

ADITI - ADITYA Sanskrit. "The Vedic name for the Mulaprakriti of the Vedantists; the abstract aspect of Parabrahman, though both unmanifested and unknowable. In the Vedas Aditi is the "Mother-Goddess", her terrestrial symbol being infinite and shoreless space." "The boundless, i.e., space; aether; akasa; Vedic name for mulaprakriti; abstract space, or ideal nature, corresponding with the Egyptian Isis, the female side of procreative nature." "Aditi, Aditya Aditi is 'Boundless Infinitude'; a compound of a -- not, diti -- limit; hence in compound, 'unlimited.' Ancient mystics called Aditi 'the Divine Mother of every existing being.' In a still deeper sense Aditi represents 'Divine Wisdom.' Aditya, meaning 'born of Aditi,' is one of the names given to the sun. The seven Adityas or 'Sons of Aditi' are the seven gods whose bodies or dwellings are the seven planets of our Solar System. Some of the more mystical writings speak of twelve Adityas or Planetary Gods. Esoteric philosophy teaches that five of these twelve planets are invisible to us at present. " (From The Occult Glossary) Ahamkara (Sanskrit) [from aham ego, I + kara maker, doer from the verbal root kri to do] I-maker; conception of egoity or I-am-I-ness. In its lower aspect, the egoistical and mayavi principle, born of avidya (ignorance), which produces the notion of the personal ego as being different from the universal self. In Sankhya philosophy ahamkara is the third emanation: from prakriti (primal nature or substance) issues mahat (the great), standing for universal mind, which in turn produces ahamkara, selfhood, individuality; from ahamkara come forth the five tanmatras, the subtle forms of the elements or principles and "the two series of sense organs" (Samkhya-Sutra 1:61).

In the Bhagavad-Gita (7:4), prakriti manifests in eight portions -- "earth, water, fire, air, ether [space: kham-akasa], mind [manas], understanding [buddhi] and egoity, self-sense [ahamkara]" -- all of which relate to the object side, which gives an erroneous sense of identity or egoity.

As universal self-consciousness, ahamkara has "a triple aspect, as also Manas. For this conception of 'I,' or one's Ego, is either sattwa, 'pure quietude,' or appears as rajas, 'active,' or remains tamas, 'stagnant,' in darkness. It belongs to Heaven and Earth, and assumes the properties of either" (SD 1:335n).


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