Attunement to the Zodiacal Initiation of Aquarius
by Thoth

Aquarius is the sign of mankind, and represents the Angelic-God Seed in humanity expressed through the template of the Adam Kadmon.

In Lemuria and Atlantis, Aquarius was known as the "Gateway" because it was seen to be the opening for humanity to re-enter it's Divine State. The symbol for Aquarius in those ancient days was a woman seated on a throne, with her left hand resting between the horns of a bull, and her right hand upraised, holding a califar, or Sword of Light. Behind the woman stood a man, wearing a crown of 12 stars. He is placing a crown with one brilliant star suspended above it upon the head of the woman.

The symbolic representation is thus:

The woman represents cosmic intelligence placed upon the throne of "Divine Knowing." Divine Knowing is differentiated from cosmic intelligence as being the individuated experience of the latter. The woman's left hand, which represents the feminine quality associated with the ability to feel and sense within the heart. The bull is the symbol of the Zodiacal sign of Taurus, which was identified by the ancients as the most "earthly" of the Zodiacal stellar houses. It was during the reign of Taurus upon the earth that the overthrow of the Priestess-Oracles in the Lemurian Temples of Melchizedek occurred. In addition, within those Temples, it was in the sanctuaries which were dedicated to working with the Zodiacal sign of Taurus, that the primary overthrow occurred. Thus, the sign of Taurus was overlaid with the energetic signature for the fallen Feminine Pillar on the earth. So from this perspective you can observe that in the symbolic picture I have related to you, the Divine Feminine is reclaiming and balancing that which she lost in the 'Fall' as she places her hand between the horns of the bull.

The bull and cow were sacred to the ancient Lemurians, having been symbols of the Sacred Solarius, or Great Central Sun. These animals were used by them for the purpose of sacred rites having to do with solar resurrection and purification. The Lemurian ceremonies did not harm or damage these divine creatures in any way, those types of sacrificial ceremonies came along in much later times as a result of the loss of the true spiritual knowledge. The Bull carried the Sun between its horns as a symbol of the Divine Male expression, which then infused the divine feminine (the Cow) with its rays. In turn, the Cow gave birth to the Bull, who again would carry the Sun between its sacred horns for the Earth. Thus the female in this symbology, holds both 'Power' (the Bull of the Sun in the Realm of the Earth) and 'Glory' (the califar - divine appointment by the Greater Solar Logos).

The right hand of the woman sustains the sacred califar, the Sword of Light, which represents the Greater Solar Logos. It was also identified with a beam of energy projected from the solar plexus as a combined force of all seven chakras, and then could be projected through the palms of the hands as well. In later periods of Lemuria and Atlantis, symbolic swords were created that were then charged with "Light" through sacred procedures. To the people in those eras, these Light Swords were a symbol of "divine appointment." The individuals who were privileged to possess a califar, were the "anointed ones"; those who directly served the authority of the most Holy Heavenly Host.

The man standing behind the woman is called the "King of the Mazzaroth," (Mazzaroth is hosted by the system of 12 heavens in our Zodiac) an aspect of the Adam Kadmon that is still active through the Light-imaging thresholds of the Zodiac. He is placing the crown of the 13th aspect, or 13th Zodiacal sign, upon the head of the woman, and thus is acknowledging her as the threshold to the Greater Kingdom of the Mazaloth (Mazaloth is a higher system of 13 heavens). It was understood by the ancients that all incarnated souls contained both male and female dynamics within. Thus, this symbolic representation was designed to reveal the balance of power between these two polarities, and the evolution of consciousness in humanity toward co-regency of these two aspects of the Godhead in the human experience.

While the sign of Gemini represents "equal rulership" between the masculine and feminine energies, Aquarius harkens to the divine power inherent within an act of co-rulership between these two polarity expressions in the divine image and similitude.

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